Lemon’s Legacies Porch Talk: Resilience & Rage: Community Responses to the 1898 Wilmington Massacre
Tuesday, April 1
6pm - 7pm

Join us as we continue to explore the theme, "Undefeated: Black Resilience through Resistance, Creativity, and Cooperation," for a Lemon's Legacies Porch Talk with moderator Dr. Lynn Wood Mollenauer and panelists Dr. Tiffany Gilbert and Dr. Cara Ward.

Navigating Transitions 2025- Online Program
Wednesday, April 2 - Wednesday, May 21
Location not specified

Life is full of change — are you ready to embrace what’s next? This program is designed to help you explore your next chapter, whether you are stepping into a new role, considering a career change or facing another major life transition.

Office of Diversity & Inclusion Lunch & Learn
Thursday, April 3
12pm - 1:30pm
Location not specified

Are You Psychologically Safe?

Women's Network Annual Reception 
Thursday, April 3
4pm - 6pm
Alumni House, Hunter Hall

Join the Women's Network for our annual reception in Hunter Hall, Alumni House, on April 3 from 4-6 pm. This event is generously sponsored by the Society of 1918.

Jaden Shahin & Sarha - Jazz Quintet
Saturday, April 19
3pm - 4pm
Williamsburg Regional Library Theater

Join Jaden Shahin & Sarha for a free Jazz show on April 19th at the Williamsburg Regional Library Theater at 3pm (doors open at 2:30pm). This is Jaden Shahin's senior project in Jazz drumming/composition.

Descendants Week 2025
Monday, April 21 - Saturday, April 26
Barrett House

Descendants Week, programmed annually by the Bray School Lab, returns April 21-26, 2025. 

Lemon Project Genealogical Research Roundtable 
Thursday, April 24
6pm - 7pm

Starting locally is the foundation of genealogical research; however, how should you prepare to visit your ancestral home to do research? Join the conversation on April 24 to learn how to maximize the experience of revisiting home. 


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