STLI Teaching & Learning Talk: Complex Learning with “Authentic” Assessments
Tuesday, October 3
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), 140C

STLI Teaching & Learning Talk: Complex Learning with “Authentic” Assessments

COLL 100/150 Proposal Workshop
Tuesday, October 3
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Swem Library, Cox Classrrom
STLI Together We Do: Getting Started with Performance-Based Assessment
Friday, October 6
2pm - 3pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), 140C

STLI Together We Do: Getting Started with Performance-Based Assessment

COLL 100/150 Proposal Workshop
Monday, October 9
12pm - 2pm
Swem Library, Cox Classrrom
STLI Quick Bite: Transparent Assignment Design
Thursday, October 12
12:30pm - 1pm

Quick Bite: Transparent Assignment Design

    Digital Curation Workshop
    Wednesday, October 18
    12pm - 1:30pm
    Swem Library, Ford Classroom

    Join STLI Excellence in Teaching Faculty Fellow Paul Vierthaler for a lunchtime workshop on Wednesday, October 18 from noon to 1:30pm as he presents a plug-and-play digital curation assignment you can adopt or adapt in your own classes next semester.

    STLI Quick Bite: Using Mid-Semester Student Feedback to Improve Teaching and Learning
    Wednesday, October 25
    12pm - 12:30pm

    STLI Quick Bite: Using Mid-Semester Student Feedback to Improve Teaching and Learning

    Library/IT/STLI Pub on the Patio
    Wednesday, October 25
    4pm - 5:30pm
    Swem Library, Conservation Patio (rain plan is Botetourt Gallery)

    Join us on October 25 from 4:00-5:30PM on the Conservation Patio for a faculty/staff pub event, brought to you by W&M Libraries, the Provost's Office, Information Technology, and the Studio for Teaching and Learning Innovation. 


    Ongoing Events

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    Writing Resources Center Open for Fall Semester
    Monday, September 11 - Friday, December 8
    1pm - 4pm
    Swem Library, Writing Resources Center (Swem 145)

    At the Writing Resources Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product.