Kinesiology Events
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Career Conversations - Health Care Consulting
Friday, February 6
12pm - 1pm
Cohen Career Center, Atrium
William & Mary alum Melissa Trask talks about her position as a consultant at Clinovations, a leading health care consulting firm. Learn about opportunities in this field and how to best prepare yourself.
Focus ON: Refining your research topic, developing your research questions
Friday, February 20
3pm - 4pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 331
This Focus ON, led by Emma Craige and other Peer Scholarship Advisors, will be especially useful for any students planning to submit research proposals for summer 2015 funding.
Focus ON: Presenting Your Research
Monday, February 23
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 334
This Focus ON, led by Johnathan Maza and other Peer Scholarship Advisors, will be especially useful for participants at the Honors Colloquium, Science Symposium, and other presentation events.
The U.S. Response to the Recent Ebola Crisis
Friday, February 27
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1127
Dr. Jennifer Adams, USAID's deputy assistant administrator in the Bureau for Global Health, will be presenting on "The U.S. Response to the Recent Ebola Crisis." Following her talk, there will be a Q&A session.
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