Apply to Become a Haven Confidential Peer Advocate!
Saturday, March 1 - Wednesday, March 19
12am - 11:59am
Are you interested in supporting survivors of gender-based violence?
    These Sacred Hills Film Screening
    Tuesday, March 4
    6:30pm - 8:30pm
    Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium

    These Sacred Hills Film Screening: Facing an existential threat from a proposed green energy project, the Rock Creek Band of the Yakama Nation fights to protect their sacred sites and cultural resources. 

      Spring Break
      Saturday, March 8 - Sunday, March 16
      Location not specified
        Summer registration opens for continuing students
        Monday, March 17
        All day
        Location not specified

        Summer registration open for continuing students

          Place-Based Journalism: Perspectives from Independent Media
          Monday, March 17
          Reves Center for International Studies, Reves Room

          Abby Rapoport, cofounder and publisher of Stranger’s Guide, will deliver the 2025 McSwain-Walker Lecture, "Place-Based Journalism: Perspectives from Independent Media."

          STLI Quick Bite | AI Series: Supporting Academic Integrity in the Age of GenAI
          Thursday, March 20
          12:30pm - 1pm
          Zoom by Regisitration

          Worried about cheating in the age of GenAI? Join STLI to learn about the value of transparency and other concrete suggestions for supporting academic integrity.

          Administrative Burden: How the State's Administrative Choices Affect Citizens' Lives
          Thursday, March 20
          2pm - 3pm
          Tucker Hall, 127A

          Join the Schroeder Center for Health Policy for "Administrative Burden: How the State's Administrative Choices Affect Citizens' Lives," a talk with Meredith Dost, Ph.D. '13, National Poverty Fellow at UW-Madison's Institute for Research in Poverty. 

          Truthslaying: Who do you trust? What is the truth?
          Monday, March 24
          4pm - 5pm
          Blow Memorial Hall, Blow 201 (Grimsley Board Room)

          Join us for a special conversation with Betsy Korona '03, former senior vice president, Editorial Newsgathering for 
          NBC News & MSNBC.

          STLI & Libraries Workshop: Ally for Accessibility
          Tuesday, March 25
          12:30pm - 1:30pm
          Swem Library, Cox Classroom

          Join colleagues from Libraries and STLI in this hands-on workshop about increasing accessibility in your Blackboard courses.

          Artist, Author, Activist Katie Holten: The Language of Trees: Forest Thinking to Reimagine the World
          Tuesday, March 25
          3pm - 4:15pm
          Swem Library, Ford Classroom

          NEW DATE!  Artist, activist, and bestselling author, Katie Holten to speak on the Language of Trees and what it means to love a forest.

          Why Students Cheat: Assessment design and GenAI
          Wednesday, March 26
          12pm - 1pm
          Swem Library, Cox Classroom

          Many of us are concerned about generative AI and its influence on our ability to maintain the integrity of the ways we assess student learning.

          Mapping Inequality: visualizing landscapes of racial, environmental, and health inequality
          Friday, March 28
          4pm - 5pm
          Swem Library, Ford Classroom

          In this masterclass, Dr. Johnny Finn will show how discriminatory housing policies across much of the twentieth century reverberate throughout contemporary urban life in the form of ongoing racial, economic, environmental, and health disparities.


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