Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation
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Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation
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STLI Quick Bite: Attendance Management with Poll Everywhere
Thursday, February 8
12:30pm - 1pm
Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation
Working Together | Data privacy: the AI challenge for educating in the digital age
Wednesday, February 14
1pm - 2pm
Swem Library, Ford Classroom
Working Together | Data privacy: the AI challenge for educating in the digital age
Close Reading vs. Distant Reading Texts: What we can we learn from expanding our gaze?
Wednesday, February 21
12pm - 1pm
Swem Library, Ford Classroom
In this hands-on workshop, STLI Faculty Fellow for Excellence in Teaching Paul Vierthaler will discuss the processes and affordances of distant reading, sometimes considered the opposite of close reading.
VR Exhibition "War Up Close"
Thursday, February 22
11am - 3pm
Swem Library, Front Lobby
The exhibition presents 360-degree images and videos of the towns liberated from the Russian occupying forces and documents the devastation caused by Russian bombardment and occupation.
STLI Quick Bite: MS Whiteboard: Infinite space for collaborating
Wednesday, February 28
12:30pm - 1pm
Zoom | Register below for the Zoom Room link
Join Mike Blum in this STLI Quick Bite as we explore the infinite collaboration space of MS Whiteboard. Great for student projects, brainstorming, facilitated sessions, or anywhere you need space to dream or come up with a concrete plan.
SuSunday | MoMonday | TuTuesday | WeWednesday | ThThursday | FrFriday | SaSaturday |
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