Eastern Shore Laboratory
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science's Eastern Shore Laboratory (ESL) serves as both a field station in support of research and teaching and as a site for resident research in coastal ecology and aquaculture.
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VIMS Eastern Shore Laboratory
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ESL: Holding mirrors up to nature: The structure, function, and evolution of the eyes of scallops
ESL: Holding mirrors up to nature: The structure, function, and evolution of the eyes of scallops
Wednesday, April 3
VIMS - Seaside Hall (Eastern Shore Laboratory)
Scallops have have dozens of eyes arrayed along the edges of their valves. Come learn about their complex visual systems.
Public Tours of VIMS' Flagship Research Vessel, the R/V Virginia
Public Tours of VIMS' Flagship Research Vessel, the R/V Virginia
Saturday, April 27
10am - 3pm
Yorktown Waterfront, 331 Water Street, Yorktown, Virginia 23690
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