[PAST EVENT] Bray School Stories: A Story Worth Telling

June 13, 2024
6pm - 7pm
Access & Features
  • Open to the public
  • Registration/RSVP
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bray school Stories Logo

Please note the new date, June 13, 2024.

Join the W&M Bray School Lab each month in a new series on Zoom: Bray School Stories: Finding the Bray School Students. Led by Elizabeth Drembus of the W&M Bray School Lab, these sessions are a blend of research and exploration, aiming to shed light on the past and connect it to the present through descendant-centered genealogical research.

In June, join us for a very special edition of Bray School Stories: "A Story Worth Telling". The W&M Bray School Lab teamed up with the students from Academy for Discovery at Lakewood to support their project to tell the story of the Williamsburg Bray School through dance. We are delighted that Ms. Kristin Hill, the teacher who conceived the idea, will join us for this online session to discuss the project and the impact it has had on her students and the audiences who have seen the performance.  

Elizabeth's approach is grounded and engaging. Drawing from her deep expertise in genealogy, she presents findings, shares tales of discovery, and opens discussions about challenges. Participants will find a space to ask questions, share insights, discuss possibilities and delve deeper into genealogical methods.

The sessions are interactive, ensuring everyone has a chance to contribute. And while the focus is on the Bray School students, attendees will walk away with more: a sense of connection to history, a better grasp of genealogical research, and resources to explore their own family histories. 

The event is free and open to all members of the public, but registration is required: https://go.wm.edu/62Jm1V

Sponsored by: W&M Bray School Lab

