[PAST EVENT] W&M Boston - Shakespeare on the Common 

July 30, 2023
4pm - 6:30pm
Boston Common | 139 Tremont St., Boston, MA 02111
indoors, inside, people, students, arts, masks, hands, theatres, theaters

Enjoy Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” performance with alumni, family and friends! Bring a blanket, folding chairs, food and beverages, and get ready to enjoy a magical evening of free theater at Boston Common near the Parkman Bandstand. Look for the W&M flag to find our group! No registration is required. Please refer to directions via subway and by car below.

Getting there:

By subway: Green/Red line to Park Street Station, or Green Line to Boylston

By car: Park under the Common in the Boston Common Parking Garage: pick up a discount coupon at one of the event tents (you'll spot them easily) - you'll save a bit on parking, and the garage donates the proceeds to CSC


Megan Lenneman '11 | megan.lenneman@gmail.com