[PAST EVENT] Finding (or Creating) the Right Job: Exploring Passion, Values and Skills

February 25, 2021
12pm - 1pm
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Whether you are actively looking for a new job, considering making a change, or just trying to make your current position better, join us in an exploration of how to find or create the right job for you. If you’re like most people, you will change jobs and careers around a dozen times throughout your life. With each change, you will likely have new colleagues, new responsibilities, a new culture to adapt to, new skills required, and a new mission to fulfill. Finding the right fit is more likely when you have the tools, mindset and questions to consider to make a good decision, beyond the title and salary. 

To begin, Pam Krulitz ‘86 will explore how to clarify your passion, values and skills and make sure they’re aligned with the position you’re considering. You’ll leave with the clarity and confidence to make your next move.

Following Pam's presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to receive advice regarding their current career stage (young professional, military veteran, or re-entering/pivoting industries) through facilitated breakout rooms with peers.


Pam Krulitz '86
Founder and CEO

Pam is the Founder of Optify, a leadership coaching and technology company with a mission to bring 1:1 coaching to more people at all levels of organizations. For sixteen years, she has served clients across industries as a leadership coach, helping them raise their leadership game. Pam has experienced a distinct career shift as her career began in IT consulting where she spent 15 years as a technologist, entrepreneur, and executive.     

Breakout Room Facilitators:

Bob Merkl
Special Assistant to the President for Military and Veteran Affairs
William & Mary

Raelene Wagoner '87
Vice President, Talent Management

Pam Krulitz '86
Founder and CEO

This event is part of William & Mary’s Professionals Week (February 22-26). All week long, we're celebrating our Tribe network and professional affinities. No matter what stage of your career you're in, join us for events online and let us know your professional achievements and goals by posting on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter using the hashtag #OneTribeOneNetwork.


Michael Steelman | masteelman@wm.edu