[PAST EVENT] " Fete/Faites de la recherche" The Third French and Francophone Fete de la recherche

November 10, 2012
9am - 12:30pm
Andrews Hall, Room 101
605 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Come meet Students who will share information about their past or ongoing research projects in French and Francophone Studies, and learn about the challenges and rewards which come with such projects.

This year:
alumnae Eve Grice (Reboussin 2009), and Laura Wagstaff (Reboussin 2007-09) will come to talk to students about how the have used the skills they acquired as French and Francophone majors/minors in their professional lives.
Reboussin scholar 2012-13 Daniel Hodges (Reboussin 2012-13) will talk about his ongoing honor's thesis which examines French involvement in Congo from the 1880s to today
Catherine Lipper, who studied with IFE will talk about "Bruxelles: une ville au centre des relations internationales"
Kayla Grant, will present her research on French nineteenth century literature: "L'etre dans la lettre: l'epistolaire et le roman psychologique a  la fin du 19eme siecle"
Elisabeth Bloxam, will share her personal research about her French grandmother :"La Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale: l'histoire de ma grand-mere"
Emma Dammon, who did the summer Montpellier program will present her work on string instrument craftsmanship in the city: "Les Luthiers a Montpellier"
and Elizabeth Gohn will also present the research project she conducted in Montpellier this past summer: "Arenes de Nimes: contemporaneite d'un monument antique."

Come have breakfast with, listen to music and have some interesting discussions with our students.