[PAST EVENT] Conference on Legal Issues for Lawyers Serving LGBT People and their Families

October 20, 2012
9am - 5pm
Law School
613 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
William & Mary Law School Equality Alliance and American Constitution Society Conference: Legal Issues for Lawyers Serving LGBT People and Their Families

Date and Time:
Registration starts at 8:30 am on October 20, 2012. The Conference goes from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Lunch is provided.

Event Details:

William & Mary Law School’s LGBT Equality Alliance and American Constitution Society are hosting a LGBT Legal Conference. The conference will have several panels and workshops: there will be panels on “The LGBT legal environment in Virginia,” “Foster Care, Adoption, and the Virginia Conference Clause," and “Diversity in the Legal Profession,” and workshops on “Dissolving Relationships,” Children and Parenting,” “Employee Benefits,” “Education Law Issues,” and “Transgender Paperwork.” Registration is
required. CLE credit is available for $75.00. General admission is $15.00. The William & Mary community can attend the conference for free. See the full agenda and register for the conference at
http://eaconference2012.eventbrite.com/. If you have any questions, please contact Amelia Vance at lglawm@email.wm.edu.

The event is at the William & Mary Marshall-Wythe School of Law, 613 S. Henry
St., Williamsburg, VA 23185

Amelia Vance, lglawm@email.wm.edu