[PAST EVENT] Community Read at the Williamsburg Library

November 15, 2012
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Williamsburg Library Schell Room, 515 Scotland Street, Williamsburg
Genevieve S. Owens, Assistant Director of the Williamsburg Regional Library and Secretary to the Literacy for Life Board of Directors, will describe services and resources at the Williamsburg Regional Library, from mobile library services to community reading project connections.

Intellectual Freedom: What is a banned book? How does that happen? Why does it happen? John A. Moorman, Director of the Williamsburg Regional Library and member of the American Library Association Executive Board, will explain how public and school libraries respond to challenging materials.

The Right to Imagine
Led by professors Regina Root, Class of 1963 Term
Distinguished Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, and Andrea Gaytan Cuesta, Visiting Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures at the College of William and Mary.

Selections from
Maria Elena Walsh's El Reino del Reves and Carlos Fuentes' Aura

For more information, contact [[raroot, Prof. Regina Root]] or Genevieve Owens at gowens@wrl.org.