[PAST EVENT] Middle Eastern Music Ensemble Family Weekend Concert

September 24, 2011
4pm - 4:45pm
Wren Building, Great Hall

Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location

?Atini Bikra-d-Dinani by Kamil al-Khula?i
A muwashshah in the Syrian tradition transmitted to the ensemble by the Lebanese singer, Rima Kchiesh

Dulab Nahawand Murassaa by Sami Abu Shumays of Queens, New York
Transmitted to the ensemble by the composer.

Balad al-Mahbub by Muhammad ?Abd al-Wahhab (Egypt)
After an arrangement by Charbel Rouhanna and a new transcription by Tiffany Schoneboom.

Inqilab and Khlas in the mode Sikah from the Algerian Andalusi tradition
?Al Qadd Alathi Sabani? and ?Laqaituha fi at-Tawafi?
Transmitted to the ensemble from the traditions collected and experienced by
Jonathan Glasser in Morocco and Algeria

Sa?aluni Al-Nas by Ziyad Rahbani (Lebanon)
Vocal solo: Fiona Balestrieri

We hope to see you there!