[PAST EVENT] Advising Tips for Spring 2012 Registration

November 4, 2011
All day
Ewell Hall
221 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Spring 2012 Advising Tips

1. Review Open Seat List available on the Registrar's website: http://www.wm.edu/offices/registrar to determine which courses are currently open.

2. Search for courses that may be related to your areas of interests. If you are interested in social science for example, explore courses in a variety of departments like Sociology, Economics, Government, or Public Policy.

3. Explore major requirements - http://www.wm.edu/majorsminors/index and determine if there are any courses (pre-requisites, co-requisites) that you still need.

4. Review the Selecting First Semester Courses link: http://www.wm.edu/as/undergraduate/advising/for_students/firstsemester/index.php
for additional recommendations for how to build your course schedule for the Spring semester.

5. Check to see if you have exemptions from GER 6. Please see the following link to determine if you fulfill the requirements to be exempt - http://www.wm.edu/offices/registrar/documents/degree/Proficiency_Exemption_Form.pdf

6. Don't forget! Music lessons are available and can be used to meet GER6.

7. Boldly go where you have not gone before. Try a course in a discipline or interdisciplinary program that you have not tried.

8. To prepare for the registration process and tips for a successful registration please see the following link on the Registrar's website - http://www.wm.edu/offices/registrar/registration/tipsforregistration/regtips/index.php
