Arts & Sciences Events
[PAST EVENT] Communications Concepts in COLL 100/150
Access & Features
- Free food
- Registration/RSVP
The workshop "Communication Concepts in COLL 100/150" will be held December 18-20. Offered by the Center for the Liberal Arts, along with colleagues from the Writing Resources Center and Swem Library, the workshop is designed for faculty teaching COLL 100 and COLL 150 courses in Spring 2018. In the context of students' first-year experience, workshop participants will consider underlying principles of communication, the specific goals of 100 or 150, example assignments and syllabi, and ways to integrate the communications/writing component to support their course content. Participants will walk away with a draft syllabus and resources to support assignments. Plan for three full days with homework.
Priority will be given to those who can attend the full three days. If you have questions, please contact Sharon Morris;
Register for the workshop:
Sharon Morris; 221-1809