W&M@Work Boston Breakfast: Innovation in Health & Technology

September 18, 2024
8:30am - 10:30am
Catalyst Restaurant | 300 Technology Square | Cambridge, MA 02139
Access & Features
  • Registration/RSVP
Boston Breakfast

Enjoy conversations and connections at the Boston W&M@Work breakfast, where innovation in health and technology takes center stage. The event includes a panel discussion, moderated by William & Mary Law School professor Sarah Rajec, featuring W&M alumni who are leading experts in the strategic planning, design and legal aspects driving advancements in health and technology.

Engage in dynamic discussions, hear cutting-edge insights, build valuable networks and enjoy a morning of enriching conversations and camaraderie. This event is free to attend and breakfast will be provided.

Sponsored by: W&M Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement and W&M Law School, in partnership with Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox.


Michael Steelman | [[masteelman]]