Learning & Leveraging LinkedIn

April 1, 2025
4pm - 5pm
Cohen Career Center, Virtual
180 Stadium Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location

Are you looking to create or update your LinkedIn account?

Join a professional staff member from LinkedIn to learn more about how to create and utilize LinkedIn successfully. LinkedIn is a professional social media platform that can be used for networking, connecting with professionals and colleagues, sharing your skills and experience, and applying for positions. It can be a very important piece in building career readiness and job or internship searching.

From setting up your profile to learning tips and techniques to maximize the platform, this session is for everyone! You will also learn about how to use LinkedIn Learning for skill enhancement, job searching, and more.

Pro tip - Did you know W&M students can use LinkedIn Learning for free through Swem Library using this link: https://libraries.wm.edu/databases/linkedin-learning?

This session is virtual. RSVP below for Zoom link.

Sponsored by: Career Development & Professional Engagement

