[PAST EVENT] Recruit DC Alumni-Only Job Fair

June 13, 2012
11am - 4pm
The Charles E. Smith Center, 600 22nd Street Northwest, Washington DC 20052
Presented by MyWorkster & George Washington University, all Alumni (including 2012) are invited to attend this job fair which is exclusive to participating universities (including William & Mary).

Details on registration ($10 before June 1st) are available at the {{http://recruitdcjobseeker.eventbrite.com/,Recruit DC website}}.

To view an up-to-date list of Employers registered to attend, visit {{http://recruitdcjobseeker.eventbrite.com/}}

If you are an employer interested in participating, please visit Recruit DC's {{http://recruitdcemployers.eventbrite.com/,Employer Page}}.

[[ebgunn,Emory Gunn]]