[PAST EVENT] Keio University Cross Cultural Exchange Program

August 3, 2012 - August 14, 2012
Sadler Center; Various Academic Buildings on Campus
The program pairs Japanese students with W&M graduate and undergraduate students who act as program assistants and dialogue instructors, and offers all participants the chance to explore questions of cultural difference and national identity. Students attend lectures on a variety of topics including race, religion and pop culture, as well as participate in fieldwork activities at Colonial Williamsburg, Hampton University Art Museum and in Washington D.C.

Social events like taking in a Norfolk Tides baseball game and learning to square dance with the Tidal Waves club allow all participants the chance to interact in relaxed settings, and offer Keio students further opportunities to learn about regional and American culture.

Sylvia Mitterndorfer, Director of Global Education at the Reves Center for International Studies, notes ?This program is a wonderful opportunity for Keio and William and Mary students to learn more about each other?s cultures and forge connections that deepen understandings of cross-cultural dialogue.?