Information Technology
[PAST EVENT] The Pink Time Assignment: Encouraging Student Creativity Through Intrinsic Motivation
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Looking for ways to help students become active leaders in their education and to connect your course content to their “real” lives? Want to refocus students away from grades? Pink Time is a learning assignment in which the students are told to go learn about something related to the class- and learn it in a way that makes sense to them. During the next class meeting, they report back about what they did, and then self-score themselves using a common rubric. Created by Tim Baird at Virginia Tech and used at multiple other universities, Pink Time draws from research about motivation and is named for Daniel Pink, who wrote the book Drive. Candice implemented it in her “Fake News” class last semester; come learn how it worked at William & Mary. Students from the class will also share their thoughts on the experience.
Candice Benjes-Small at [[w|candicebenjes-small]] Head of Research