[PAST EVENT] Screenwriting: Character as Story - Zan Gillies '09

February 15, 2018
Swem Library, Reeder Media Center
400 Landrum Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location

This workshop will examine screenplay structure as an extension of character growth. We will discuss how, by using your protagonist as an anchor, you can hone any premise to craft a tight, emotionally-driven narrative. From Citizen Kane to Wall-E, we will break down examples from films and screenplays ? and from Blake Snyder to Dara Marks, we will take a look at the structural theory behind them.


Zan Gillies ?09 is a film dude based out of Washington, DC. He was one of twelve screenwriters selected for a mentorship in The Writers Store?s Industry Insider contest in 2011, and was a semi-finalist for the Academy Nicholl Fellowship in 2016. As a cinematographer, he has two feature films under his belt as well as roughly a dozen short films and music videos. He is currently finishing up his MFA in Film at American University, but his main goal in life is to make increasingly confusing 24 Speed films every year until someone asks him to stop.