[PAST EVENT] Webinar: What is the Metaverse and Why Should Educators Care?

February 22, 2022
2pm - 2:50pm
Free webinar for faculty and co-educators

Free webinar for faculty and co-educators hosted by Florida Virtual Campus and the Instructional Design Network.

Guest Speaker:

Chad Mairn
Librarian | Innovation Lab, Learning Resources
St. Petersburg College


Web 1.0 gave us the Internet. Web 2.0 gave us mobile and social connectivity. The next phase (Web 3.0?) is giving us the Metaverse, a 3D digital copy of our physical world where we can connect and interact with others inside virtual spaces while removing time and place constraints. The Metaverse was coined by the writer Neal Stephenson in his 1992 novel “Snow Crash” and the concept is becoming more real and not considered science fiction anymore. In this webinar, participants will experience the potential educational application of virtual/augmented reality meeting platforms that enables people to collaborate in a 3D virtual environment from anywhere on earth.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the webinar, the participants will be able to:

  • Explain what the Metaverse is and why we should care about it;
  • Describe how extended reality (XR) technologies work and are helping create the Metaverse;
  • Describe how the Metaverse can change things ranging from online gaming and fashion to education and finance;
  • Highlight X3D and other standards that will play a role in building and traversing the Metaverse; and
  • Adopt and apply a virtual/augmented reality meeting platform for teaching and learning purposes.


The participants are recommended to complete some small tasks ahead of the event time to get their computer system ready for the hands-on experience designed for the webinar. Most colleagues can complete the tasks in 10-15 minutes. Download the detailed instructions.