[PAST EVENT] Theatre for Social Change Guest Speaker: Penelope Glass (VIRTUAL)

September 18, 2024
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall, Teams (https://go.wm.edu/z1rFQJ)
601 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Open to the public
photo of Penelope Glassholding a microphone

Dr. Sarah Hart is pleased to extend an open invitation to an exciting guest speaker in her class THEA461 Theatre for Social Change this week. It is a remote event, with a brief presentation followed by Q&A. The guest is Penelope Glass (Australia/Chile), who has a long trajectory of grass-roots community organizing for creative work in prisons and with formerly incarcerated people, including a theatre company and a permaculture garden in Chile that foster sustainability and resilience. She has also published a number of very interesting articles about her work.

When: Wednesday September 18, 5:30-6:30pm

Where: Teams


Presenter bio (Penelope Glass):

Community theatre worker: actor, musician, playwright, director, community project coordinator. Also, teacher, mentor and researcher. Has worked since the 1970s in Australia, and in Chile 1998-2022, creating theatre with diverse communities, notably in prison contexts, provoking critical reflection about social issues. Co-founder, NGO Colectivo Sustento (Santiago, Chile) in 2012: theatre in prisons (men and youth) and urban gardening. Tribute to her career, 30th International Community Theatre Festival ENTEPOLA, Chile, 2016.

BA Hons, University of NSW (1978) and Diploma of Arts in Dramatic Arts, Victoria College of the Arts (1981). PhD candidate in Theatre at Griffith University (2012-2018) - Subject: social activism in Chilean prison theatre work.

More information:

Colectivo Sustento video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAnrqcQhHy4

Article: “Autogestión, Conviction, Collectivity and Plans A to Z: Colectivo Sustento in Continuous Resistence” https://wm.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01COWM_INST/1tc7lat/alma991033888352703196

Sponsored by: Department of Theatre & Performance


[[sahart, Sarah Hart]]