[PAST EVENT] AMP / Rare Bears

February 23, 2024
6pm - 8pm
Lodge 1, Sadler Center

Come one, come all! Make and customize your very own stuffed animal in Lodge 1 at 6pm-8pm, February 23rd. They're black and white and black and white and black and white...it's zebras galore!!  And don't worry there's more: lambs, sloths, and teddy bears, too, will join in on the fun! In honor of Rare Disease Awareness Day, AMP and Students for Rare Diseases welcome you to make stuffies while you enjoy snacks and a panel discussion on living with a rare disease. 

Alma Mater Productions is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. Please contact Quinn Loftus at wamamp@gmail.com with the subject “Rare Bears” to request disability accommodations. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs. Your communication with us will remain confidential, as it will only be accessible to AMP Chairs, Directors, and Advisors.

Sponsored by: Alma Mater Productions

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