October 7, 2024
6pm - 8pm
Chancellor's Hall

For this general meeting, ESSENCE will be hosting a unique and fun-filled night: we invite you to create a powerpoint with all of your favorite songs to add to the Official Essence Playlist.

Submit your powerpoint at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSetLhFS7VviYoCCW4obSgKk8gVg68G3dm1KFX0TWZvvA_Jzmw/viewform

You must use your William & Mary Account to access this link. Please contact me, with the information below, if you run into any problems.

This is a time to bond over music and individuality. We hope to see you there. Snacks will be provided!

Sponsored by: E.S.S.E.N.C.E: Women of Color

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