[PAST EVENT] AXUltimate!

April 18, 2015
11am - 4pm
Frat Field
Sisters will be tabling in Sadler during lunch and dinner beginning on April 6. Pick up a form, make a team of 5-7, and be paired with an Alpha Chi coach of your choice. Return the form and payment to any sister and you're good to go!

The cost is $10 per person which includes a tank, at least two games, and baked goods. Additionally, every participant will be entered into a raffle to win gift cards and items from local businesses. The winning team will receive a grand prize.

Proceeds benefit survivors of domestic abuse at our local shelter, Avalon: A Center for Women and Children.

Hope to see you at Fraternity Field on the 18th! Rain date: Sunday, April 19th.

[[e|cataylor, Caitlin Taylor]]