"Sweden, The EU & the U.S.": A talk by Karin Olofsdotter, Swedish Ambassador to the U.S.
Thursday, October 3
Tucker Hall, 127A

Karin Olofsdotter, Ambassador of Sweden to the United States, is delivering the 2019 McSwain-Walker lecture.

CANCELED: Ann Stoler: Colonial Disorders: A Planetary Reflection
Thursday, October 3
5pm - 7pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 332

Ann Stoler talk is canceled and will be rescheduled in the SPRING 2020.



    Ongoing Events

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    Scholarship on Display: Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
    Friday, April 19 - Tuesday, December 31
    Swem Library, Entrance Gallery

    In 1991, the Women's Studies program emerged, and in 2013, the program was renamed Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, a change that reflects the program’s aspirations for the growth of feminist research and activism at William & Mary.