Resume & Cover Letter Writing Workshop
Tuesday, August 28
12pm - 1pm
Cohen Career Center, Presentation Rooms A&B
Bring your charged laptop with you - All Students Welcome, No Registration Required!
    Graduate School Admissions Workshop
    Tuesday, August 28
    1pm - 2pm
    Cohen Career Center, Presentation Room A
    This workshop presents information and advice on applying to graduate and professional programs, including details on the various admission tests, personal statements, references, and appropriate application timelines.
      Resume & Cover Letter Writing Workshop
      Tuesday, August 28
      3pm - 4pm
      Cohen Career Center, Presentation Rooms A&B
      Bring your charged laptop with you - All Students Welcome, No Registration Required!
        Linked-In Workshop
        Tuesday, August 28
        4pm - 5pm
        Cohen Career Center, Presentation Rooms A&B
        Social networking is part of your job search strategy.

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          Ongoing Events

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          W&M Symphony Orchestra Auditions
          Monday, August 27 - Friday, August 31
          Ewell Hall, Room 207
          Athenian Potters and Painters: Greek Vases from Virginia Collections
          Saturday, August 18 - Sunday, September 30
          12:01am - 5pm
          Muscarelle Museum of Art
          The collection of vases helps showcase the development of Attic pottery, beginning with the patterned decoration of the Geometric Amphora and ending with the later red-figure decoration of the Attic Red-Figure Column Krater by the Orestes Painter.
          Open Minds: An Exhibit of Psychology Department Faculty Publications
          Monday, March 26 - Tuesday, April 30
          Swem Library, Bright Gallery
          "Open Minds: An Exhibit of Psychology Department Faculty Publications" displays significant published works and awards won by this outstanding group of faculty members.