Robert Hegel, "Journeys to the West: The Many Adventures of China's Monkey King"
Thursday, November 3
2pm - 3:20pm
Sadler Center, Chesapeake C
Guest lecture on Monkey King and its transformation in fiction, theater, various media and religious belief in the past 1500 years.
    The Patrick Hayes Writers Series Presents Amy Hempel
    Thursday, November 3
    Tucker Hall, Tucker Theatre, Tucker 127A

    Amy Hempel, author of multiple short story collections including The Collected Stories of Amy Hempel.

      Getting into Graduate School in the Sciences
      Thursday, November 3
      5:30pm - 6:30pm
      Blow Memorial Hall, Room 236

      Kersey Sturdivant, one of our VIMS alums will be in Blow 236 to talk about his new book about getting into graduate school in the sciences (Cambridge University Press with a release date in December 2016; also on Amazon).

        The Duke of the Bachata / El duque de la bachata (2009), film screening
        Thursday, November 3
        Botetourt Theatre, Swem Library, ground floor

        The Duke of the Bachata/ El Duque de la Bachata (USA, 2009, 53 mins.)

        Open to students and faculty.


          +4 more...


          Ongoing Events

          View: GridList
          Department of English Annual BOOK SALE!!!
          Tuesday, November 1 - Friday, November 4
          Tucker Hall, Tucker Lobby

          The Department of English is now having our annual book sale.  All are welcome. We have a huge variety of books.

          Spring schedule adjustment/registration for continuing students
          Saturday, October 22 - Friday, December 2
          Location not specified

          Spring schedule adjustment/registration for continuing students

          One Off: Monotypes
          Thursday, October 6 - Friday, November 4
          Andrews Hall

          Currently showing in our Andrews Gallery, One Off: Monotypes, Featuring work by Barbara Grossman, Frank Hobbs and Yvonne Petkus. The show is curated by Professor  Brian Kreydatus.