Boren Awards now open!
Wednesday, November 9 - Wednesday, November 30
12am - 12am
Location not specified

Boren Scholarships. The application for the 2017 Boren Awards is now open at

    Lemon Legacies Porch Talk #3--Drum Circle
    Wednesday, November 9
    12pm - 2pm
    Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall, Dodge Room

    Drum Circle

      Diane Pelejo, Applied Science - Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
      Wednesday, November 9
      3pm - 5pm

      Diane Pelejo, Applied Science - Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
      Title: ?Matrix Results and Techniques in Quantum Information Science and Related Topics.?
      Advisor: Dr. Chi-Kwong Li

        WMSURE Research and Writing: Strategy and Tactics
        Wednesday, November 9
        4pm - 6pm
        Swem Library, Ford Classroom
        This panel workshop will feature Prof. Chris Howard, Prof. Paul Heideman, and Writing Resources Center Director Dr. Sharon Zuber and will offer practical guidance about what students should and should not do when writing for courses and research.
          A Mindfulness Walk: A Path to Health and Resilience
          Wednesday, November 9
          5:15pm - 6:15pm
          Wren Yard, Out front (please be prompt)
          Would you like to add something restorative to this month, this semester, this year? We invite everyone to partake in this practical application of meditation and mindfulness to the daily activity of walking.

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