Mathematics Colloquium and EXTREEMS-QED Lecture: Max Shen (UC Berkeley)
Friday, September 30
2pm - 3pm
Jones Hall

Title: Service Region Design for Urban Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems

    Neuroscience: InfoMajors Open House
    Friday, September 30
    2pm - 3pm
    Jones Hall, Room 301

    We invite students to meet with professors and learn more about majoring or minoring in Neuroscience to join us at our open house.

      Physics Seminar,
      Friday, September 30
      2pm - 3pm
      Small Hall, Room 235

      Kimiko Sekiguchi, Department of Physics Tohoku University, Sendai, 980-8578, JAPAN , Title of Talk: Study of three-nucleon forces - old but new forces in nuclei

        Chemistry Fall Seminar
        Friday, September 30
        3pm - 4pm
        Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1127

        Elon Ison of North Carolina State University
        Transition Metal Oxos as the Lewis Base Component of Frustrated Lewis Pairs

          Christine Stacey - Guilford College
          Friday, September 30
          3:45pm - 5pm

          Whate makes the Northern Mockingbird an urban winner?

            No Physics Colloquium today!
            Friday, September 30
            4pm - 5pm
            Small Hall

              Ongoing Events

              View: GridList
              2016 Summer Research Showcase
              Monday, September 26 - Friday, September 30
              2pm - 5pm
              Blow Memorial Hall

              William & Mary undergraduates who received Charles Center summer research funds present their work at this annual, week-long event.