Lunch N Learn: Welcoming International Diversity
Tuesday, November 6
12pm - 1:30pm
VIMS - Davis Hall, Owens-Bryant Board Room

VIMS Dive-In is excited to announce our Fall Lunch N Learn.  Join us for a session on creating a home away from home for our international community.

Dr. Tamura Lomax discusses, "Chasing Tenure: Lessons From an Independent Black Woman Scholar"
Tuesday, November 6
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Sadler Center, Tidewater A/B

Tamara Lomax is an educator, writer, and co-founder/CEO of The Feminist Wire, an online publication committed to feminist, anti-racist, and anti-imperialist sociopolitical critique. She received her Ph.D. in religion from Vanderbilt University. 

Ongoing Events

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Beating the Blues
Tuesday, October 30 - Tuesday, November 13
3:30pm - 4:30pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio B

Understand the symptoms of depression better and identify ways to better manage them. 

Monday, October 29 - Monday, November 12
1pm - 2pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio B

Brainstorming coping strategies.