#VastEarlyAmerica Wikistorm
Saturday, November 3
10am - 2pm
Swem Library, Ford Classroom

You can help us add 100 early American women to Wikipedia by 2019.

You can also help us augment current entries for early American women.

Professor Ann M. Little delivers the Mary Maples Dunn Lecture
Saturday, November 3
3pm - 5pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

Professor Ann Little will deliver the Mary Maples Dunn Lecture at the Omohundro Institute. She specializes in the history of women, gender, and sexuality. She has held fellowships at the Newberry Library, Huntington Library, and others.

Ongoing Events

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Beating the Blues
Tuesday, October 30 - Tuesday, November 13
3:30pm - 4:30pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio B

Understand the symptoms of depression better and identify ways to better manage them. 

Monday, October 29 - Monday, November 12
1pm - 2pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio B

Brainstorming coping strategies.