Chinese Classes in Summer 2013
Thursday, March 21 - Tuesday, May 28
Location not specified
Elementary and intermediate level Chinese classes will be offered in the summer of 2013! Registration is already started.
    Language and Space in Mopan Maya: A talk by Eve Danziger, UVa (Thursday, Blow 201, 3:30 pm)
    Thursday, March 21
    3:30pm - 5pm
    Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
    On Thursday, 21 March, Eve Danziger will share new research on linguistic relativity and cultural concepts of space. Join us in Blow 201 at 3:30 for her talk, "What's 'That'? Pointing gestures and culture-specific spatial conceptualization in Mopan Maya."
      Past as Tradition, Past as History
      Thursday, March 21
      James Blair Hall, Room 206
      "Past as Tradition, Past as History: Sanskrit Narratives in Kashmir's Persian Historical Tradition, 17th-19th centuries" delivered by Chitralekha Zutshi, William & Mary Department of History.
        Professor Irina Paperno Lecture: How We Used to Live: Survivors of the Soviet regime"
        Thursday, March 21
        Washington Hall, Room 201
        On Thursday, March 21st, Professor Irina Paperno (U. of California) will be giving a talk entitled, "How We Used to Live: Survivors of the Soviet regime." The talk will be held in Washington 201, from 5-6 p.m.
          Lecture "How We Used to Live: Survivors of the Soviet regime"
          Thursday, March 21
          5pm - 6pm
          Washington Hall, Room 201
          Professor Irina Paperno (U of California, Berkeley) Lecture "How We Used to Live: Survivors of the Soviet regime remember their everyday lives, in memoirs, diaries, blogs."