"Writing Muslims Back Into European History" (Emily Greble)
Friday, October 7
12pm - 2pm
James Blair Hall, Blair 229

Reunion event for History alumni!  The Harrison Ruffin Tyler Department of History presents a book talk by Dr. Emily Greble, Associate Professor of HIstory, Vanderbilt University and William & Mary Alum.  A reception will follow.

Russian and Post Soviet Studies Homecoming Speaker, George Barros '19
Friday, October 7
3:30pm - 5pm
Washington Hall, Room 301

RPSS Homecoming Talk

Friday, October 7, 3:30 pm

Washington 301

Talk title: Russia's War in Ukraine: Assessing Eight Months of Russian Military Performance 

George Barros ’19

Ongoing Events

Homecoming & Reunion Weekend
Thursday, October 6 - Sunday, October 9
Various locations throughout campus

Fall in Williamsburg truly is a magical time to visit campus! Come home to William & Mary for Homecoming & Reunion Weekend 2022.