Demo Day
Friday, December 2
3pm - 5pm
Tribe Square, Entrepreneurship Hub

The grand finale of our fall semester programming, Demo Day will include a panel discussion with entrepreneurs in the Health and Wellness industry, Rocket Pitch Faceoff, an introduction of the Henry Broaddus Innovator Award, and a networking after party.

Ongoing Events

Grief and Loss Support Group
Tuesday, November 29 - Monday, December 12
4pm - 4pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio B

Tuesday, 11/29 at 4pm, Monday, 12/5 at 5pm, Tuesday, 12/6 at 4pm, and Monday, 12/12 at 4pm

 A safe space for students to process the ways in which they have been impacted by recent losses and tragedies

Neurodiversity Support Group
Friday, October 28 - Friday, December 9
5pm - 6pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Counseling Center, 2nd Floor

Explore social interactions, communication styles, relationships, and more.

W&M Part-Time MBA Class Visits Fall 2022
Tuesday, September 6 - Thursday, December 8
William & Mary Peninsula Center

Don't miss this opportunity to sit in on a real William & Mary Part-Time MBA class!