GWRC Workshop: The Elevator Pitch
Tuesday, November 9
12:30pm - 1:30pm

Knowing your "elevator pitch" is crucial for your professional future. Come learn about what makes a good elevator pitch and practice writing your own.

Fundraiser Bingo with Minorities in Medicine
Tuesday, November 9
5pm - 6pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1280

Fundraiser Bingo November 9th @ 5 pm in ISC 1280!! Come out and play bingo with MIMs!!! There will be gift card prizes! The entry fee is $5 (Pay to MIMs Cashapp $minoritiesinmed or Venmo @aemansour). Must RSVP to attend using link. 

Ongoing Events

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Registration for Spring 2022
Monday, October 25 - Friday, February 4
Stetson House

Registration for Spring 2022 began October 25, 2021. Tuition and fees will be billed December 13, 2021 and due January 3, 2022.  Students are strongly encouraged to register by December 10.  Spring Registration for New Students begins January 3, 2022.