Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program Application Deadline
Friday, November 15
All day
Apply Online!
The U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce the scholarship competition for the 2014 Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program in thirteen critical foreign languages.
    Study Abroad Scholarship Deadline: Critchfield Scholarships
    Friday, November 15
    All day
    Location not specified
    Merit and need-based awards for study in particular Arabic-speaking countries in Spring 2014.
      Study Abroad Scholarship Deadline: Exeter Scholarships
      Friday, November 15
      All day
      Location not specified
      Merit and need-based awards for study with the Exeter, U.K. exchange program in Spring 2014.
        Study Abroad Scholarship Deadline: Gates Scholarships
        Friday, November 15
        All day
        Location not specified
        Merit-based awards for outstanding students with a declared major in International Relations or Global Studies, for study abroad in Spring 2014.
          Study Abroad Scholarship Deadline: Zachary James Vaughan Memorial Scholarships
          Friday, November 15
          All day
          Location not specified
          Need-based award for a student committed to public service and cross-cultural understanding, for students studying abroad in Spring 2014.
            Study Abroad W&M Faculty-Led Summer Programs Workshop
            Friday, November 15
            Reves Center for International Studies, Student Resource Center (Second Floor)
            Everything you need to know to choose the perfect summer program.
              Study Abroad 101 Beginner Workshop
              Friday, November 15
              Reves Center for International Studies, Student Resource Center (Second Floor)
              How to choose a study abroad workshop.