Modernizing Hybridity: McAdoo's Jubliee Singers and Minstrels in South Africa 1890-1898
Wednesday, October 24
12pm - 1:15pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Morton 314, Women's Studies Conference Room
Africana Studies is proud to present the scholarship of Mellon Fellow of Africana Studies Dr. Chinua Thelwell. Light refreshments will be served. Morton 314, noon-1 p.m., Wednesday, October 24.
    Brown Bag with Professor Devins on DOMA co-sponsored by the Equality Alliance.
    Wednesday, October 24
    12:50pm - 1:50pm
    Law School, Room 141
    Professor Neal Devins is a Professor of Law at W&M Law School. He will be discussing the Defense of Marriage Act.
      Terrestrial Iron Fluxes to the Gulf of Alaska: Variability in Provenance, Speciation, Time and Space
      Wednesday, October 24
      4pm - 4:50pm
      McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 230
      Andrew Schroth from the Dept. of Geology at the University of Vermont speaks to us about his work on the source and movement of terrestrial iron in the gulf of Alaska.
        The Power of Politics and the Politics of Power in Rural Tajikistan
        Wednesday, October 24
        4pm - 5pm
        Reves Center for International Studies, Reves Room
        Lecture delivered by Zohra Beben, Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology. A Reves Hall Coffee Hour event.
          Mapping Moods and Markets
          Wednesday, October 24
          7pm - 9pm
          Admission (Undergraduate), Sessions Room
          Peter Atwater '83 will discuss how changes in social mood affect our decision making and the markets.