WMSURE End of Summer Presentations
Wednesday, August 2
5pm - 7pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

Join us for end of the summer WMSURE presentations from students and mentors and an end of the summer celebration!

    Student Research Shark Tank Competition
    Thursday, August 3
    1pm - 3pm
    Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium

    Please join us as W&M students pitch their policy-relevant, internationally focused research proposals and compete for up to $20,000 in funding!

    Please RSVP.

      Nancy Carter, Computer Science - Oral Defense
      Thursday, August 3
      3:30pm - 5:30pm
      McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 002

      Nancy Carter, Computer Science - Oral Defense

      Title: Usability Studies of Personal Computing Technologies
      Advisor: Qun Li

        Qing Yang, Computer Science - Oral Preliminary Exam
        Monday, August 14
        2:30pm - 4pm
        McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 002

        Qing Yang, Computer Science - Oral Preliminary Exam

        Advisor: Gang Zhou

        Title: Exploiting Power for Smartphone Security and Privacy

          Dance Placement Evaluations
          Monday, August 28
          Adair Hall

          The Dance Placement Evaluation is for all students, with previous dance training, interested in studying dance sometime during the upcoming school year to obtain permission for intermediate and advanced technique classes.

            Mandatory A&S New Graduate Student Orientation
            Monday, August 28
            10am - 5pm
            Sadler Center
            ALL new/incoming Arts & Sciences graduate students are required to attend both the New Student Orientation (9:30am-noon) and the afternoon training from noon-1:35 pm (up to the start of the breakout sessions specific to Teaching Assts./Fellows).
              Japanese Studies Welcome Open House
              Monday, August 28
              4pm - 5:30pm
              Washington Hall, Room 315
              Welcome to new students and welcome back to returning students! Drop by to say hello, tell us about your summer, meet new faculty, and hear about new courses for fall! Get info on the Japanese minor, the self-designed Japanese major, and more. Plus: CAKE!
              Theatre & Dance Open House
              Monday, August 28
              6:30pm - 7:30pm
              Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall
              Learn more about the theatre and dance programs from faculty and current students, and tour Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall.
                Add/Drop period begins
                Wednesday, August 30
                All day
                Blow Memorial Hall
                More Information {{http://www.wm.edu/offices/registrar/calendarsandexams/}}
                  Classes Begin
                  Wednesday, August 30
                  All day
                  Location not specified
                    First Day of Class
                    Wednesday, August 30
                    All day
                    McGlothlin-Street Hall

                    The first day of classes for the Fall Semester 2017

                      Orchesis Modern Dance Company Auditions - Practice Session
                      Wednesday, August 30
                      Adair Hall

                      Officers of the Orchesis Modern Dance Company will lead the practice session, to prepare those interested in auditioning for the 2017-2018 company. 

                        Orchesis Modern Dance Company Auditions 
                        Wednesday, August 30
                        Adair Hall

                        Officers of the Orchesis Modern Dance Company will lead the auditions for those interested in joining the 2017-2018 company. 

                          Auditions for Fall Theatre Productions     
                          Thursday, August 31
                          5pm - 11pm
                          Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall

                          Auditions for the fall productions of Our Lady of Kibeho (main stage), Feathers and Teeth (student directed), and Noises Off (main stage) will be held Thursday, August 31 in PBK! Please visit each link below for more detailed information! 


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