The Non-Majors Show
Monday, April 2 - Thursday, April 12
Andrews Hall, Andrews Hall Atrium
Fall Schedule Adjustment Period I
Monday, April 2 - Friday, April 27
Location not specified
    Lecture: Markets and Altruism by UVA Law Professor Julia D. Mahoney
    Monday, April 2
    12:50pm - 1:50pm
    Law School, Room 133

    The Center for the Study of Law and Markets will host a guest lecture on April 2 on markets and altruism by University of Virginia School of Law Professor Julia D. Mahoney.  Free admission and all are welcome.

    Brown Bag Lunch with Gray Newman '80
    Monday, April 2
    2pm - 3pm
    Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 322

    Please join the economics club for a discussion with Gray Newman, class of 1980.

    WMCI Distinguished Scholar Lecture: China's Rise: Past, Present, and Future
    Monday, April 2
    4pm - 5:30pm
    Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

    Join us for our annual Distinguished Scholar Lecture featuring Stanford University's Professor Andrew Walder on Monday, April 2 from 4:00 to 5:30 PM in Blow Hall 201.

    Baxter/Ward Talk: Catherine Carroll on Rule of Law
    Tuesday, April 3
    5pm - 6:30pm

    Baxter/Ward Talk: Courts, Lawyers, and the Rule of Law in a Polarized Era, by Catherine Carroll

      William & Mary's Second Annual Diversity and Inclusion Forum (Reception to Follow)
      Tuesday, April 3
      7pm - 8:30pm
      Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium

      Join five engaging panelists, your friends from across the university, and residents of Williamsburg for this exciting town-gown event to address the key roles that  diversity and inclusion play in our students' wellness.  Reception to follow. 

      Gespr?ch mit Armin Langer (auf Deutsch)
      Wednesday, April 4
      1pm - 2pm
      Washington Hall, Room 201

      Armin Langer ist Aktivist und Leiter der Initiative Salaam-Shalom in Berlin, ein J?dische-Islamischer interkultureller und religions?bergreifender Verein.

      Geology Seminar: Permafrost carbon bomb? What the past can tell us about future Arctic warming
      Wednesday, April 4
      4pm - 5pm
      McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 219

      Join the Geology Department for our next departmental seminar, where Dr. Miriam Jones from the USGS will be discussing carbon capture in permafrost and how that can affect the future warming of the Arctic. 

      Lecture: Armin Langer on Jewish-Muslim Relations in Germany
      Wednesday, April 4
      4pm - 5:30pm
      Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1127

      Armin Langer, author of the book Ein Jude aus Neukoeln / A Jew from the No-Go Area and coordinator of the interfaith initiative Salaam-Shalom in Berlin, will present on the initiative and the relationship between Jews and Muslims in Germany.

      COLL 300 Visitor Doug Herman
      Wednesday, April 4
      5pm - 6:30pm
      Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
      ?The Antebellum Tale and the Unmasking of White Nationalism? by J. Gerald Kennedy
      Wednesday, April 4
      5pm - 7pm
      Tucker Hall, 127A

      J. Gerald Kennedy is Boyd Professor of English at Louisiana State University. He is the author or editor of fifteen books, including most recently Strange Nation: Literary Nationalism and Cultural Conflict in the Age of Poe (Oxford UP, 2016). 

      RPSS Film Series Screening: "Earth"
      Wednesday, April 4
      5pm - 7pm
      Washington Hall, Room 302
        Beginner?s Irish Music Session
        Wednesday, April 4
        7pm - 9pm
        Spirit Shop & Bookstore, The Cafe

        We invite all aspiring and experienced Irish musicians to dust off their instruments and join us for Irish music in our Caf?.

        Careers in Public Health Panel
        Thursday, April 5
        5:30pm - 7pm
        Cohen Career Center
          APPAM Student Conference
          Friday, April 6
          All day
          Location not specified

          We believe it is important for anyone studying public policy to get out of the classroom and interact with policy professionals in a wide variety of setting.

            ETD Embargo Deadline for MAY 2018 graduates
            Friday, April 6
            All day
            Stetson House

            A signed License and Embargo Form must be turned into the OGSR no later than 4:00pm Friday, April 6, 2018 for all A&S Graduate Students who will graduate in May 2018.  Failure to complete this form by the required deadline will delay your graduation.

              Required DRAFT submission deadline of Theses and Dissertations for May 2018 Conferral of degrees
              Friday, April 6
              All day
              Stetson House, Room 201
              One complete draft of the thesis/dissertation must be submitted for a format review by the Office of Graduate Studies Please submit the draft to the William & Mary ETD Administrator website
                Mathematics Colloquium and EXTREEMS-QED Lecture: Xue, Xiaoqiang (Quintiles)
                Friday, April 6
                2pm - 3pm
                Jones Hall, Room 302

                Optimal Design of experiments with the observation censoring driven by random enrollment of study subjects

                Chemistry Spring Seminar
                Friday, April 6
                3pm - 4:20pm

                Timothy Brewster, Unversity of Memphis

                Seminar Title TBA

                  Physics Colloquium
                  Friday, April 6
                  4pm - 5pm
                  Small Hall, Room 111

                    Dining Diversity Series: China
                    Friday, April 6
                    5pm - 8pm
                    Sadler Center, Dining hall

                    Authentic Chinese Cuisine and culture at Sadler Dining Hall. Friday, April 6th at 5pm. Recipes were provided by Rising Freshman Daniel Wang. Live entertainment and decorations provided by the Confucius Institute. 

                    AMP / Author Panel
                    Saturday, April 7
                    3pm - 4pm
                    Tucker Hall, Room 127

                    AMP will be hosting an author panel with FOUR amazing authors - Kosoko Jackson, Gwen Cole, Sarah Glenn Marsh, Jodi Meadows. See you 3 PM at Tucker 127 on Saturday, April 7!!!

                    Ewell Concert Series presents - Mind on Fire
                    Saturday, April 7
                    Ewell Hall, Recital Hall (Rm 107)

                    Admission : Free

                    Jazz Combo Concert
                    Sunday, April 8
                    Ewell Hall, Recital Hall (Rm 107)
                    Shanhe Yi, Computer Science - Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
                    Monday, April 9
                    12pm - 2pm
                    McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 002

                    Ph.D. Candidate: Shanhe Yi
                    Title: Enhancing Usability, Security, and Performance in Mobile Computing
                    Advisor: Qun Li

                      Wikipedia Art+Feminism Edit-a-Thon
                      Tuesday, April 10 - Wednesday, April 11
                      Swem Library, Dulin Learning Center, first floor

                      Join us during National Library Week as we tackle an important issue: improving content on cis and trans women, the arts, and feminism on Wikipedia.

                        U.S. Gun Policy: A Global Perspective
                        Tuesday, April 10
                        12:50pm - 1:50pm
                        Law School, Room 127

                        Please join ILS on March 27 during the lunch hour for a panel discussion on U.S. gun policy as compared to gun policies around the world. Noodles & Co. will be provided!

                        Jacob James Ethier: Physics Dissertation Defense  
                        Wednesday, April 11
                        3pm - 6pm
                        Small Hall, Room 122

                        Jacob James Ethier, Final Oral Examination for the Ph.D., Title: "Proton Spin Structure from Monte Carlo Global QCD Analyses."

                          Underrepresented Scholars in the Academy
                          Wednesday, April 11
                          4pm - 6pm
                          Swem Library, Ford Classroom
                          Visiting Artist Workshop with Mark Shapiro
                          Thursday, April 12
                          9:30am - 4pm
                          Ceramics Studio (Old Power Plant)
                          Roe v. Wade: Past, Present and Future: Professor Geoffrey Stone, University of Chicago
                          Thursday, April 12
                          12:50pm - 1:50pm
                          Law School, Room 120

                          The Dunn Civil Liberties Lecture Series is proud to host Geoffrey R. Stone, the Edward H. Levi Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. 

                          Health Policy Lecture featuring Timothy Jost, Emeritus Professor, Washington & Lee School of Law
                          Thursday, April 12
                          3:30pm - 5pm
                          Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Brinkley Commons

                          Timothy Jost,  Emeritus Professor at the Washington and Lee School of Law, will talk about ?The Business of Health Care in the Affordable Care Act World.?   This event is free and open to the campus. 

                            Spring Neuroscience Symposium
                            Thursday, April 12
                            3:30pm - 5pm
                            Tucker Hall, 127A
                            The Neuroscience Progrma is pleased to present Dr. William P. Hetrick as its keynote speaker at the 2018 Neuroscience Research Symposium, held on Thursday, April 12, from 3:30-5:00, in Tucker 127A.
                            Election Data Security War Game: Testing Critical Infrastructure Designation
                            Thursday, April 12
                            3:30pm - 6pm
                            Law School, Room 119

                            The William & Mary Election Law Program will host a unique symposium on April 19 aimed at expanding understanding of the role of courts in promoting election security.  Registration is free. Join us!

                            German Studies Senior Research Colloquium
                            Thursday, April 12
                            4pm - 6pm
                            Washington Hall, Room 308

                            German Studies seniors participating in the GRMN 408 Senior Seminar "Literary Case-Histories" this semester will present their projects in English.

                            Reception for The Non-Majors Show
                            Thursday, April 12
                            4pm - 6pm
                            Andrews Hall, Atrium
                            Amnesty International's Annual JAMnesty
                            Thursday, April 12
                            6pm - 8pm
                            Crim Dell Amphitheatre

                            It's Amnesty's iconic spring event! Listen to wonderful local musicians/performers while participating in human rights activism (petitions, letters, etc.)! The event is FREE and food will be provided

                            Want to perform at JAMnesty? Click Full Description

                            Opera Scene Recital
                            Thursday, April 12
                            Ewell Hall, Recital Hall (Rm 107)
                            Thesis/Dissertation Defense Completion Deadline for May 2018 Graduation
                            Friday, April 13
                            All day
                            Stetson House, Room 201
                            Your defense must be scheduled and completed by this date before your final ETD submission.
                              Early Career Metaphysics Workshop
                              Friday, April 13 - Saturday, April 14
                              Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 123

                              The Early Career Metaphysics Workshop is an annual workshop focusing on research by early-career scholars working in metaphysics, broadly construed. The workshop is free and open to any who would like to attend; RSVP to (organizer).

                              Gender in Nonprofits Panel Discussion and Lunch
                              Friday, April 13
                              11:30am - 12:30pm
                              Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), room 132

                              Join the OCE and guests from United Way and Jamestown/ Yorktown Foundation as we discuss the ways gender plays a role in the nonprofit industry.

                              Lunch will be provided. Please email [[w|]] to RVSP before Thursday, April 12th.   

                              Economics Club Brown Bag Lunch with Sean Savage, Class of 1998
                              Friday, April 13
                              1pm - 2pm
                              Blow Memorial Hall, Room 333

                              Sean will talk about his career, work done at the Fed, and about opportunities for students to work as a research assistant in the Monetary Affairs division of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, DC.

                              Mathematics Colloquium and EXTREEMS-QED Lecture:  Yu Jin (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
                              Friday, April 13
                              2pm - 3pm
                              Jones Hall, Room 302

                              Mathematics Colloquium and EXTREEMS-QED Lecture:  Yu Jin (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

                              Alumni Panel:  ?W&M Shapes Health Policy?
                              Friday, April 13
                              2:30pm - 3:45pm
                              Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 123

                              The Schroeder Center for Health Policy is hosting an alumni panel, ?W&M Shapes Health Policy,? which will feature alums from the Public Policy Program who are currently working in the health policy field. 

                                Chemistry Spring Seminar
                                Friday, April 13
                                3pm - 4:20pm

                                William Chain, University of Delaware

                                Seminar Title TBA

                                  Reception and Student Poster Presentations
                                  Friday, April 13
                                  3:45pm - 5pm
                                  Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), 1st floor commons area
                                    Physics Colloquium
                                    Friday, April 13
                                    4pm - 5pm
                                    Small Hall, Room 111

                                    Nathan Kidwell, William & Mary, Title of Talk: Lights, Camera, Action! Taking a Molecular-Level Snapshot of Atmospheric Photochemistry

                                      Black Opera Concert
                                      Friday, April 13
                                      7pm - 9pm
                                      Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium

                                      Opera in Williamsburg will present a melange of scenes from Black operas. This performance is part of the year-long celebration to observe the 50th Anniversary of African Americans in Residence at William & Mary.

                                      Walking Tour: Significant sites in African American history at William & Mary
                                      Saturday, April 14
                                      10:30am - 11:30am
                                      Tucker Hall, Lobby

                                      Walking tour of significant historical sites in African American history at William & Mary. The tour will be conducted by Dr. Terry Meyers, Chancellor Professor of English, Emeritus and Mallory Walker, Mosaic Fellow, Swem Library Sites. 

                                      Panel Discussion with the ?Legacy Three"
                                      Saturday, April 14
                                      1:30pm - 3pm
                                      School of Education, Dogwood Room

                                      Lynn Briley '71, Karen Ely '71, and Janet Brown Strafer '71, M.Ed. '77, the first African American students in residence at William & Mary, will discuss their experiences integrating the university and answer questions from the audience.

                                      W&M Wind Ensemble Outdoor Concert
                                      Saturday, April 14
                                      Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka

                                      Free, family-friendly event featuring Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf, arranged by former W&M Wind Ensemble director, Michael Williamson

                                      50th Anniversary's Legacy Evening Alumni Awards Dinner
                                      Saturday, April 14
                                      6pm - 9pm
                                      Raymond A. Mason School of Business, Brinkley Commons Room

                                      An awards dinner to honor Lynn Briley '71, Karen Ely '71, and Janet Brown Strafer '71, M.Ed. '77, the first African American students in residence at William & Mary, as well as to recognize other achievements of William & Mary's African American alumni. 

                                      Re-Enrollment & Medical Clearance Deadline - For Summer Term
                                      Sunday, April 15
                                      All day
                                      Stetson House

                                      Re-enrollment following a full medical withdrawal is contingent upon a medical clearance procedure.

                                        Ghanaian Dinner Benefit with SPAID
                                        Sunday, April 15
                                        6:30pm - 8pm
                                        Sadler Center, Tidewater AB

                                        Dinner Benefit with keynote speaker Dr. Iyabo Obasanjo on international development from the receiver's perspective and navigating relationships. Tickets will be $5. Find us tabling in Sadler to purchase your ticket early!

                                        A Scientist Walks Into a Bar: Graduate Student Edition
                                        Monday, April 16
                                        6:30pm - 8:30pm
                                        Alewerks Brewing Company, 189 B Ewell Rd, Williamsburg, Virginia 23188
                                        Music Department Student Recital 
                                        Monday, April 16
                                        Ewell Hall, Recital Hall (Rm 107)
                                        Jazz Combo Concert
                                        Monday, April 16
                                        Lodge One

                                        Free Admission

                                        Preserve Your Campus Legacy - A Digital Preservation Workshop
                                        Tuesday, April 17
                                        Swem Library, Ford Classroom, ground floor

                                        Students can attend this workshop to learn about preserving their campus legacy.

                                          COLL 300 Visitor Vandana Shiva
                                          Wednesday, April 18
                                          5pm - 6:30pm
                                          Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
                                          Beginner?s Irish Music Session
                                          Wednesday, April 18
                                          7pm - 9pm
                                          Spirit Shop & Bookstore, The Cafe

                                          We invite all aspiring and experienced Irish musicians to dust off their instruments and join us for Irish music in our Caf?.

                                          Brazilian Ensemble Concert
                                          Wednesday, April 18
                                          Ewell Hall, Recital Hall (Rm 107)
                                          Plaque Dedication Ceremony Honoring 50 Yrs of African-Americans and 100 Yrs of Coeducation at W&M
                                          Thursday, April 19
                                          12pm - 1pm
                                          Wren Building

                                          Please join us at a plaque dedication ceremony to commemorate 50 Years African-Americans at William & Mary and 100 Years of Women at William & Mary by honoring the first African-American women graduates and the first 24 women to enroll as students at W&M.

                                          Hip Hop's Bollywood Diva: Race, Music, and Solidarity in the Career of Raj? Shwari
                                          Thursday, April 19
                                          5pm - 6pm
                                          Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

                                          A lecture by Elliott Powell (University of Minnesota)  explores the fifteen-year-long career of South Asian American rap singer Raj? Shwari, known for her work with prominent African American hip-hop artists like Jay-Z, Pharrell Williams, and Timbaland.

                                          Lecture: Professor Kate Brown, "The Great Chernobyl Acceleration"
                                          Thursday, April 19
                                          5pm - 6:30pm
                                          Blow Memorial Hall, Room 332

                                          A public lecture, sponsored by the Department of History, by Professor Kate Brown,  "The Great Chernobyl Acceleration: How Writing European History has Changed in the Age of the Anthropocene."

                                            Into the Woods    
                                            Thursday, April 19
                                            Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall

                                            Into the Woods

                                            Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim

                                            Book by James Lapine

                                            Gallery Players Concert
                                            Thursday, April 19
                                            Bruton Parish Church

                                            The program will feature the Capriol Suite for Strings by Peter Warlock, Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings, and Mendelssohn's String Symphony #7.

                                            Admission is free, and all are welcome to attend.  

                                            Spring Classes End (Law)
                                            Friday, April 20
                                            All day
                                            Location not specified
                                              Chinese Language and Culture Experience Day
                                              Friday, April 20
                                              2pm - 5pm
                                              Rowe House

                                              In honor of UN Chinese Language Day, WMCI will be holding a Chinese Language & Culture Experience Day on Friday, April 20th, from 2:00-5:00 pm.

                                              COLL 300 Academic Festival
                                              Friday, April 20
                                              2:30pm - 4:30pm
                                              Various Rooms

                                                Physics Colloquium
                                                Friday, April 20
                                                4pm - 5pm
                                                Small Hall, Room 111

                                                John Delos, Physics William & Mary, Title of Talk: 47@74, a Swan Song

                                                  Drum Circle: A Lemon's Legacies Porch Talk
                                                  Friday, April 20
                                                  4pm - 5:30pm
                                                  Crim Dell Meadow, Crim Dell Amphiteather. Rain location is Dodge Room, PBK

                                                  Join the Lemon Project: A Journey of Reconciliation and Patrick Hudgins from the Counseling Center in a healing drum circle to relieve some tension. Come beat on a variety of drums; no musical experience required!

                                                  Alexander Tsygankov: Lecture on Russian Folk Music
                                                  Friday, April 20
                                                  Ewell Hall, Recital Hall

                                                  Professor Alexander Tsygankov presents a lecure on Russian folk music.

                                                    Philosophy Department Spring BBQ
                                                    Friday, April 20
                                                    4:30pm - 6:30pm
                                                    James Blair Hall, outdoors - east side

                                                    Into the Woods    
                                                    Friday, April 20
                                                    Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall

                                                    Into the Woods

                                                    Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim

                                                    Book by James Lapine

                                                    Spring Reading Period (Law)
                                                    Saturday, April 21 - Monday, April 23
                                                    Location not specified
                                                      Senior Research Saturday
                                                      Saturday, April 21
                                                      9am - 3pm
                                                      McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 219

                                                      Come see the Geology seniors present the culmination of their year-long research projects! The first talk kicks off at 9AM, and a reception will follow the final talk.

                                                      Earth Week: Earth Day Festival!
                                                      Saturday, April 21
                                                      11am - 3pm
                                                      Montgomery Football Practice Facility

                                                      Celebrate Earth Day with student orgs, community groups, and professors, all demonstrating their passion and projects related to what we can do to promote sustainability and environmental awareness! Featuring free food and shirts, games, henna, and more!

                                                      Into the Woods    
                                                      Saturday, April 21
                                                      Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall

                                                      Into the Woods

                                                      Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim

                                                      Book by James Lapine

                                                      Into the Woods    
                                                      Saturday, April 21
                                                      Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall

                                                      Into the Woods

                                                      Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim

                                                      Book by James Lapine

                                                      Refugees Welcome! A Concert in Celebration of New Neighbors 
                                                      Saturday, April 21
                                                      Location not specified

                                                      Refugees Welcome! Is held in cooperation with Commonwealth Catholic Charities, the organization that runs the Refugee Resettlement Program in the Hampton Roads/Williamsburg area through the Virginia Office of Newcomers.

                                                      Into the Woods    
                                                      Sunday, April 22
                                                      Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall

                                                      Into the Woods

                                                      Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim

                                                      Book by James Lapine

                                                      Connor Knutsen Senior Lecture Recital 
                                                      Sunday, April 22
                                                      Ewell Hall, Recital Hall (Rm 107)
                                                      Sonya Vidal Senior Recital  (Piano)
                                                      Monday, April 23
                                                      Ewell Hall, Recital Hall (Rm 107)
                                                      Gamelan Concert " Keep Calm & Gamel-On"
                                                      Tuesday, April 24
                                                      Ewell Hall, Recital Hall (Rm 107)
                                                      Honors Thesis Defense: Christopher Hambric
                                                      Wednesday, April 25
                                                      2pm - 3:30pm
                                                      Jones Hall, Room 131

                                                      Honors Thesis Defense: Christopher Hambric

                                                      Honors Thesis Defense: Yanxin Xu
                                                      Wednesday, April 25
                                                      2pm - 3:30pm
                                                      Jones Hall, Room 113

                                                      Honors Thesis Defense: Yanxin Xu

                                                      Honors Thesis Defense: Duo Wang
                                                      Wednesday, April 25
                                                      3:30pm - 5pm
                                                      Jones Hall, Room 131

                                                      Honors Thesis Defense: Duo Wang

                                                      Conversation Caf?: What a "Health-Promoting University" Means to Me
                                                      Wednesday, April 25
                                                      3:30pm - 5:30pm
                                                      James Blair Hall, Conference Room 114 (Ground floor office closest to Sadler)

                                                      During this year's National Week of Conversation, join Eric Garrison (SoE '94 and Assistant Director, Health Promotion) for this conversation on what a campus-wide, top-down/botton-up realization of the Okanagan Charter would mean for our university.

                                                      Non-classical Voice Recital
                                                      Wednesday, April 25
                                                      Ewell Hall, Room 107

                                                      Honors Thesis Defense: Yoongbok Lee
                                                      Thursday, April 26
                                                      12:30pm - 2pm
                                                      Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 220

                                                      Honors Thesis Defense: Yoongbok Lee

                                                      The Bishop James Madison Society presents Last Lecture by Dr. Joanne M. Braxton
                                                      Thursday, April 26
                                                      4pm - 5pm
                                                      Wren Building, Great Hall

                                                      The Bishop James Madison Society is honored that Prof. Joanne Braxton, the Frances L. & Edwin L. Cummings Prof. of the Humanities, Africana Studies, and English, will provide the 2018 Last Lecture after her distinguished thirty-eight years at W&M.

                                                      German Studies Senior Research Colloquium
                                                      Thursday, April 26
                                                      4pm - 6pm
                                                      Washington Hall, Room 315

                                                      The German Studies Senior Research Colloquium will be Thursday, April 26, from 4-6pm in WASH 315.

                                                      Last Day of Classes - Spring 2018
                                                      Friday, April 27
                                                      All day
                                                      McGlothlin-Street Hall

                                                      Last day of undergraduate classes of the Spring 2018 semester

                                                        Mathematics Colloquium and EXTREEMS-QED Lecture: Martin Lariviere (Northwestern University)
                                                        Friday, April 27
                                                        2pm - 3pm
                                                        Jones Hall, Room 302

                                                        Coverage, coarseness and classification: Determinants of social efficiency in priority queues

                                                          Physics Colloquium
                                                          Friday, April 27
                                                          4pm - 5pm
                                                          Small Hall, Room 111

                                                          Anton Burkov, Waterloo, Title of talk: Quantum anomalies and transport in topological semimetals

                                                            W&M Wind Ensemble Spring Concert
                                                            Saturday, April 28
                                                            Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall

                                                            W&M Choral Combined Spring Concerts
                                                            Saturday, April 28
                                                            Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall
                                                            Acoustic Lunch with Guitarist Louis Vangieri
                                                            Sunday, April 29
                                                            1pm - 2:30pm
                                                            Spirit Shop & Bookstore

                                                            Drawing influence from such artists as The Beatles and James Taylor, Mr. Vangieri performs an eclectic blend of acoustic covers and original works.

                                                            W&M Symphony Orchestra Spring Concert
                                                            Sunday, April 29
                                                            Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall

                                                            Arturo Marquez, Danzon No.2

                                                            Joaquin Rodrigo, Concerto de Aranjuez, Tim Olbrych, soloist

                                                            Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Capriccio Espagnol, op.34

                                                            Maurice Ravel, Rapsodie Espagnole

                                                            Spring Classes End (Flex MBA)
                                                            Monday, April 30
                                                            All day
                                                            Location not specified
                                                              Study Abroad Workshops and Peer Advisor Sessions 
                                                              Monday, April 30 - Monday, May 7
                                                              Reves Center for International Studies

                                                              Take a study break by learning about your future study abroad options!

                                                                Spring 2018 Exam Period
                                                                Monday, April 30 - Wednesday, May 9
                                                                McGlothlin-Street Hall

                                                                The Spring 2018 semester exam schedule begins Monday April 30th until Friday, May 4th and resumes Monday, May 7th until Wednesday, May 9th

                                                                  WMCI Summer 2018 Community Courses
                                                                  Monday, April 30 - Monday, August 6
                                                                  Rowe House

                                                                  Join WMCI this summer for many new, fun, and educational courses!

                                                                  Katelyn Rennyson, Honor?s thesis defense
                                                                  Monday, April 30
                                                                  1pm - 2pm
                                                                  Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1111

                                                                  Katelyn Rennyson, Honor?s thesis defense. Title: ?Relationship between Injury and Spirituality in Pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago? 


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