Computer Science Events
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Computer Science
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Why Computer Architecture is Interesting and Challenging?
Friday, September 4
3pm - 4pm
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 20
Colloquium talk on the importance of research in computer architectures
Microsoft Information Session
Thursday, September 10
5pm - 6pm
Cohen Career Center
Connect with representatives and William & Mary alumni at Microsoft. Learn about internship and full-time opportunities, and the application process.
William & Mary Fall 2015 Career & Internship Fair
Friday, September 11
12pm - 4pm
Sadler Center, 3rd Floor
This event is open to students of all majors and class years. They are encouraged to come talk to potential employers, no RSVP or registration required!
NASA Langley Research Center Information Session
Wednesday, September 16
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Cohen Career Center
What If ISIS Gets Killer Robots?
Thursday, September 17
Sadler Center, Tidewater A
Talk by Dr. Michael Horowitz, Associate Professor of political science at the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include military innovation, the future of war, and the relationship between religion and international politics.
How to make your programs run faster?
Friday, September 18
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 020
Colloquium talk by Xu Liu
3D Printing Lunch & Learn
Monday, September 21
11am - 2pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Room 2052
Join a lively discussion on the latest 3D printing technology for education and research.
Google Information Session
Monday, September 21
7:30pm - 8:30pm
Cohen Career Center
William & Mary alum and Google software engineer, James Swetnam, will be highlighting opportunities and roles, and the application process, as well as life at Google, via Google Hangouts.
Google Technical Interview Workshop
Wednesday, September 23
7pm - 8pm
Cohen Career Center
Wondering what the technical interview is all about?
William & Mary alum and Google Software Engineer, James Swetnam, will be discussing the technical interview process and how to best prepare as a candidate.
How to enhance smartphone security using TrustZone?
Friday, September 25
3pm - 4pm
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 020
Colloquium talk by Kun Sun
2015 Summer Research Showcase
Monday, September 28 - Friday, October 2
2pm - 5pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
Come support undergraduate research at William & Mary! This week-long event showcases research projects by students who received summer funding from the Roy R. Charles Center for Academic Excellence. All are welcome to attend!
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