Computer Science Events
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Pre-Defense Deadline for Students Submitting a Thesis or Dissertation for May 2022 graduation
Friday, April 8
All day
Stetson House, Room 201
Four steps are required at least two weeks before you defend. April 8 is the last day by which you may meet this requirement if you intend to graduate in May 2022.
Qihan Wang, Computer Science - Oral Preliminary Exam for the PhD.
Thursday, April 14
3:30pm - 5:30pm
McGlothlin-Street Hall, zoom
Qihan Wang, Computer Science - Oral Preliminary Exam for the PhD.
Title: Efficient Parallelization of Irregular Applications on GPU Architectures
Advisor: Dr. Bin Ren
Location: zoom meeting
Thesis/Dissertation Defense Completion Deadline for May 2022 Graduation
Friday, April 22
All day
Stetson House, Room 201
Your defense must be scheduled and completed by this deadline.
Charles Center Poster Session - Computation, Math & Physics
Monday, April 25
2pm - 4pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
Undergraduate researchers present the results of their faculty-mentored research in an informal drop-in session with digital posters. Light refreshments are available at this Undergraduate Research Month event.
Final Thesis or Dissertation Submission Deadline for May 2022 graduation
Friday, April 29
All day
Stetson House, Room 201
Final submission deadline for A&S graduate students to satisfy degree requirements for graduation in May 2022
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