SchoolHouse Block Presents: The Hunger Luncheon
Tuesday, December 1
6pm - 8pm
Sadler Center, Tidewater B
As the holiday season approaches, SchoolHouse Block encourages you to think critically about how food insecurity and malnutrition can serve as barriers to educational attainment, individual growth, and international development.
    What Did I just Consent To? The Meaning of Sex in an Age of HIV, Title IX & the Pursuit of Pleasure
    Tuesday, December 1
    8pm - 9:30pm
    Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
    We've heard much about consent, but do you question what you're saying yes to? Are you grateful for what you avoided? Or do you sometimes wonder what you missed out on? We invite you to discover the intersectionality of HIV, Title IX, and pleasure.
      Constitutional Conversations
      Wednesday, December 2
      6:30pm - 8pm
      Williamsburg Regional Library, 515 Scotland Street, Williamsburg, Virginia
      Discussion of constitutional rights sponsored by the Institute of Bill of Rights Law of William & Mary Law School. This session's topics are Recent and Upcoming Cases (Adults and Students).
        Chair Strength Training and Laughter Yoga!
        Thursday, December 3
        2:45pm - 4:30pm
        Sadler Center, Tidewater AB
        Come learn how to stay fit and relieve stress with chair strength training/stretching and laughter yoga!
          Let Freedom Ring? Ethnic Diversity and the Politics of Values in Today's Europe
          Thursday, December 3
          5pm - 6:30pm
          Washington Hall, Room 201
          Guest lecture by Erik Bleich, Professor of Political Science at Middlebury College. Bleich's current areas of research focus on race and ethnicity in West European politics.

            Ongoing Events

            Virginia Bar Association - Interest Meeting
            Wednesday, October 6 - Wednesday, October 6
            1pm - 1:50pm

            Join the VBA on Wednesday, October 6th, to learn more about the VBA Law School Council, upcoming networking and interview prep events, as well as 1L and 2L opportunities to get involved.