Modern Languages & Literatures Events
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Modern Languages & Literatures
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Chinese Language Placement
Chinese Language Placement
Friday, August 14
8am - 1pm
Chinese language placement for students who have taken Chinese in high school or at another college or university.
Chinese Language Placement
Chinese Language Placement
Monday, August 17
8am - 1pm
Chinese language placement for students who have taken Chinese in high school or at another college or university.
German Language Courses - Drop-in Advising
German Language Courses - Drop-in Advising
Monday, August 17
9am - 10am
Zoom in to for questions about your German Placement test, and German Language Courses and the FLPR in general!
It's All New to Me
First day of classes
First day of classes
Wednesday, August 19
All day
Location not specified
First day of classes
NDS registration begins
Diskussion zum Filmabend: Transit
Diskussion zum Filmabend: Transit
Wednesday, August 26
7pm - 8pm
Location not specified
Diskussion zum Film Transit (Regie Christian Petzold)
Songs of Freedom: A Civil Rights Concert
Songs of Freedom: A Civil Rights Concert
Friday, August 28
7pm - 9pm
YOUTUBE livestream
Diverse artists gather online to offer SONGS OF FREEDOM on August 28, a monumental day in the history of the civil rights movement. Virginia's new Poet Laureate Dr. Luisa A. Igloria is the keynote poet. Professors Leah Glenn & Hermine Pinson will perform.
Post Soviet Portraits: A Film Series
Post Soviet Portraits: A Film Series
Monday, August 31 - Wednesday, September 23
7pm - 10pm
The William & Mary Russian & Post-Soviet Studies Program Presents Film Series about landmark cultural figures!
SuSunday | MoMonday | TuTuesday | WeWednesday | ThThursday | FrFriday | SaSaturday |
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