Student Luncheon with Dr. Netra Chhetri
Thursday, November 7
12:15pm - 1:45pm
Swem Library, Hive Navy Room

Join the Institute for Integrative Conservation for a hosted student luncheon with Dr. Netra Chhetri.

Dr. Netra Chhetri - Reimagining conservation: Innovation in governance amid scarcity
Thursday, November 7
3pm - 4:30pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Room 1008

IIC Conservation Speaker Series presents Dr. Netra Chhetri, of the School for the Future of Innovation and Society, Arizona State University for a presentation and discussion on Reimagining conservation: Innovation in governance amid scarcity.

Summer Funding for Social Science Undergraduate Research
Friday, November 15
11am - 12pm
Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 132

Learn about how you can be funded through the Charles Center to complete undergraduate research this summer in Social Science areas!

    "Voices of Integration" documentary film & panel discussion on mandatory integration in WJCC Schools
    Monday, November 18
    4:30pm - 6:30pm
    School of Education, Matoaka Woods

    Join us for a documentary film exploring Black students’ experiences during the first year of mandatory integration in WJCC Schools and a call to action to address the legacies of unfinished integration today.

    Global Research Institute Presents: Dr. Seth Jaffe
    Wednesday, November 20
    11:30am - 12:30pm
    Tucker Hall, Room 322

    Please join the Global Research Institute for a presentation on "Peloponnesian Warnings? Reformulating the Thucydides Trap" by Dr. Seth Jaffe of LUISS Guido Carli.


    Ongoing Events

    Writing and Communication Center Open for Fall Semester
    Monday, September 9 - Friday, December 6
    1pm - 10pm
    Swem Library, Writing and Communication Center (Swem 145)

    At the Writing and Communication Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product.