Student Organization Recognition Information Session
Tuesday, March 1
5pm - 6pm
Sadler Center, York
Interested in starting a new student organization at the College of William & Mary? If the answer is yes, you?ll need to participate in the Student Organization Recognition Process!
    Williamsburg Campus Child Care Yard Sale
    Saturday, March 12
    8am - 3pm
    Unity Hall
    Save the date for Williamsburg's only Children's Yard Sale, featuring flat pricing. All proceeds will support Williamsburg Campus Child Care.
      Master of Accounting Program Information
      Tuesday, March 15
      10am - 4pm
      Sadler Center
      Stop by to learn about the Master of Accounting Program and job opportunities after graduation in the Financial Services industry. The program accepts accounting and non-accounting majors.
        [AMP] Make Your Own Soap!
        Tuesday, March 15
        3pm - 6pm
        Sadler Center, Lodge 1
          Master of Accounting Information Session
          Tuesday, March 15
          6pm - 7pm
          Sadler Center, York Room
          Come and learn more about the Master of Accounting Program and hear from current students about their experience in the program. Pizza will be provided. Please RSVP.
            Student Organization Recognition Information Session
            Wednesday, March 16
            12pm - 1pm
            Sadler Center, York
            Interested in starting a new student organization at the College of William & Mary? If the answer is yes, you?ll need to participate in the Student Organization Recognition Process!
              TiPS Training
              Wednesday, March 16
              6pm - 8pm
              Sadler Center, York Room
              Training required for students/organizations hosting events with alcohol on campus
                Prof. Suzanne Raitt on Blended Classes: an eLearning Community Forum
                Thursday, March 17
                Sadler Center, Tidewater A
                Come hear Prof. Suzanne Raitt from the Department of English talk about her experiences with blended learning. A blended class involves face to face learning combined with online instruction. Prof. Raitt's experiences and insights should prove valuable.
                  Jorge Cham: The Power of Procrastination
                  Thursday, March 17
                  7pm - 9pm
                  Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
                  In his talk, Jorge Cham recalls his own experiences as a graduate student. Through humor and empathy, Jorge examines the source of graduate student anxieties and explores the guilt, the myth and the power of procrastination. FREE TO W&M COMMUNITY!
                    15th Annual Graduate Research Symposium
                    Friday, March 18 - Saturday, March 19
                    9am - 12pm
                    Sadler Center
                    The annual Graduate Research Symposium (GRS) is a unique educational and networking event, encouraging exchange between disciplines and bringing together students from William & Mary and regional universities.
                      The PHD Movie 2: Still in Grad School
                      Friday, March 18
                      6pm - 8pm
                      Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
                      The 15th Annual Graduate Research Symposium invites all William & Mary students to join us for a screening of The PHD Movie 2: Still in Grad School. Seating is limited so please come early. NOTE: DATE CHANGE TO 3/18
                        AMP Lodge 1 Comedian: Adam Mamawala
                        Friday, March 18
                        Sadler Center, Lodge 1
                        Join us for a night of amusement and merriment with AMP's March Lodge 1 Comedian, Adam Mamawala! Come see a FREE comedy show on Friday, March 18th at 8 pm!
                          W&M World's Fair 2016
                          Saturday, March 19
                          7:30pm - 10pm
                          Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
                          The International Culture Exchange Organization (ICE) hosts the first annual William & Mary World's Fair, a collaboration between multiple organizations to showcase and raise awareness of various cultures through performances!
                            2nd Annual W&M Powwow
                            Sunday, March 20
                            1pm - 5pm
                            Unity Hall
                            Join the AISA for our Second Annual Powwow! Experience Native American dancing, drumming, and singing, as well as vendors selling their craft. Admission is FREE with a W&M ID!
                              SCOPE Presents: What Do I Do With That?
                              Monday, March 21
                              7pm - 9pm
                              Sadler Center, James Room
                              As college students, when asked about our major(s) we get the question, "What are you going to do with that?" Let SCOPE: STEM Created Opportunities To Promote Empowerment help you! We will be hosting a faculty panel across the STEM fields.
                                Board Battles!
                                Tuesday, March 29
                                7pm - 9pm
                                Sadler Center, Games Desk, Sadler Basement
                                The Sadler Games Desk Staff are hosting another night of open board game playing and FREE FOOD! Come bring all of your friends and play some awesome games like Settlers of Catan, Apples to Apples, and Jenga! Games provided. See you there!
                                  Van Safety Training
                                  Wednesday, March 30
                                  5pm - 9pm
                                  Campus Center, Ballroom Conference Room #7
                                  Any student who thinks that they might need to drive a college car or van this year should plan to attend this class to become certified.