Consider Honors and Independent studies!
Wednesday, March 4
4pm - 6pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 331
With current honors students and Professors Fredrick Smith and Scott Ickles. This workshop can help you figure out exactly what an project entails and how to make your project successful.
    Focus ON: Charles Center Summer Research Funding
    Wednesday, March 4
    Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
    The Peer Scholarship Advisors share all the information you need about Charles Center (and related) summer research funding. Applications are due March 18 at noon.
      Where Do We Go From Here: Community or Chaos? A Conversation on Race, Law, and Current Events
      Tuesday, March 17
      6pm - 8:30pm
      Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
      W&M's Black Law Students Association, in collaboration with other organizations, will host its annual symposium on race, law, and current events. Please join us for a much needed and enlightening discussion!
        The 1st Generation College Experience
        Wednesday, March 18
        4pm - 6pm
        Blow Memorial Hall, Room 331
        With Professors Christy Burns, Laura Heymann, David Aday, and Vern Lindquist; Karlene Jennings from Development, and Carla Costello from the President's Office--all first generation college students who now work in higher education!
          Social Media in and Beyond College
          Wednesday, March 25
          4pm - 6pm
          Blow Memorial Hall, Room 331
          This workshop will help you consider your use of technology and social media as you prepare for graduate school, internships, and careers. Bring your laptop as we'll investigate your current social media presence.
            The Cloud Lecture Series presents Kathryn Bond Stockton
            Thursday, March 26
            Tucker Hall, Tucker Theatre 127A
            The Cloud committee is pleased to announce that Kathryn Bond Stockton, Distinguished Professor of English and Interim Associate Vice President for Equity and Diversity at the University of Utah, will deliver the annual Cloud lecture.
              Why Stories Matter: Understanding Narrative Medicine
              Friday, March 27
              4pm - 6pm
              Tucker Hall, 127a
              A Talk by Natasha Sriraman, M.D., Pediatrics Faculty, Eastern Virginia Medical School. Natasha Sriraman, M.D. is one of the leaders of the COLL 200 W&M-EVMS Narrative Medicine for Excellence Project.