[PAST EVENT] Chinese Classes in Summer 2013

March 21, 2013 - May 28, 2013
Location not specified
Summer Chinese program boasts small classes taught by experienced professors on the beautiful WM campus. Through summer Chinese program, students will be able earn up to 8 credits, gain valuable language skills, complete foreign language requirements, ease your fall/spring course load, and possibly accelerate your degree. Please join us for a productive summer in the beautiful colonial Williamsburg!

Summer Session I
CHIN101 MTWRF 10:10am -11:50am
CHIN201 MTWRF 12:20pm -14:00pm

Summer Session II
CHIN102 MTWRF 10:10am -11:50am
CHIN202 MTWRF 12:20pm -14:00pm

Qian Su qsu@wm.edu