[PAST EVENT] The Sara & Jess Cloud Lecture Series presents Miles Grier

November 9, 2023
5pm - 7pm
Tucker Hall, Tucker Theater 127A
350 James Blair Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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  • Open to the public
Miles Grier

Miles P. Grier, Associate Professor of English at Queens College, City University of New York will speak on research related to his just-published book Inkface: White Authority and Othello in the Age of Atlantic Slavery which examines the performance history of Othelloto unearth the roots of white racial authority over the determination of meaning, value and the distribution of social goods. Between 1604 and 1855, the racial positions produced in these performances were those of a fraternity authorized to interpret and blackened persons—such as Othello and Desdemona—reduced to objects of interpretation. Inkface argues for race as a hierarchy of interpretive authority and a necessary shift in perspective given the persistance of racial injustice after the dismantling of legal racism and the debunking of scientific racism in the twentieth century.


For more information, please contact Brett Wilson at [[bdwils]]